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Executive Summary

GeekSoft LLC is software development and Consulting Company with 40+ software consultants working on customized solutions and packages for various industry domains like Telecom, Insurance, Manufacturing, and Banking & Finance. GeekSofthas invested lot of effort in R&D services and has shifted focus on the new generation software like RFP-Opportunity Management. GeekSoft LLC forecasts the domain that is identified as the primary growth sector. GeekSoft LLC software is building customized packages to serve various medium and large providers with its integrated packaged and customized solutions who are interested in streamlining their RFP process. In this endeavor GeekSoft LLC Software has initiated various strategic programs that help to meet the growing demands of the customer with cost effective solutions.

What is eOppty?

eOppty is a Proposal Management tool to be developed by GeekSoft LLC Software Solution Inc. eOppty is based on MS CRM 4.0 and is highly customized as per the RFP – Lead – Opportunity – Account Cycle on any service/product based industry.

eOppty uses SQL Server 2008 as a back end database to capture the entire customer records. It has got inbuilt adapters and can be integrated with SAP Systems and other third party applications available in the market like SalesLogix etc.

Current Business Challenges and Proposed Solution

GeekSoft LLC Software’s Business Analysts have been working on gathering business requirements in the current market for quite some time. As a result of their in-depth market analysis, GeekSoft LLC was able to come up with below business challenges and is now proposing a best possible low cost solution – eOppty.

The key business challenges identified are:

  • Are proposals created "top-down", or "bottom-up"? (That is do we START with good themes and discriminators, or do we just start creating the proposal, and see what good themes bubble up from the bottom?) Top-down
  • Difficulty in stream lining the business processes involved in Proposal Management in serviced based companies.
  • Expensive and fewer tools are available currently in the market.
What eOppty Offers:
  • eOppty is built on robust MS - CRM platform. By using SQL Server 2005 as a backend DB to eOppty, we provide seaming integration of data and business processes.
  • Streamlines all the business process involved in normal proposal management industry.
  • eOppty can be targeted for any service based industry where proposals are involved.
  • Claims made in a proposal are believed only when supported by quantitative data. Numbers and graphics are used to substantiate the features and benefits proposed.eOppty involves reporting functionalities to deliver this.
  • Options of Integrating with SAP Systems and other third party applications.
  • Integration of eOppty with Oracle Databases (to be implemented in future releases).
  • User interface being built on .Net 2.0 frame work will be very user friendly.
  • Reports built on Oracle BO provide a variety of combinations for the user to view the necessary data.
  • And much more.

Industry Competitors &Advantages of eOppty

GeekSoft LLC recognises that there are some proposal management system software that are already available in the market.

Following are the advantages of eOppty:
  • eOppty is built on robust MS - CRM platform. By using SQL Server 2005 as a backend DB to eOppty, we provide seaming integration of data and businesses processes.
  • Streamlines all the business process involved in normal proposal management industry.
  • eOppty can be targeted for any service based industry where proposals are involved.
  • Claims made in a proposal are believed only when supported by quantitative data. Numbers and graphics are used to substantiate the features and benefits proposed.eOppty involves reporting functionalities to deliver this.
  • Options of Integrating with SAP Systems and other third party applications

Target Audience

eOppty can be targeted for below industries:
  • Telecom
  • Insurance
  • Manufacturing
  • Banking & Finance
  • Any other service based industry

Solution Overview

GeekSoft LLC has adopted “outside in” approach for RFP Solutions to ensure optimal returns. Our approach is guided and influenced by improving the customer experience and establishing business drivers that help identify capabilities and value.

GeekSoft LLC recommends a phased Implementation approach. Each Point Releases, with a set of limited (closed loop) business functionalities help in enabling for a convenient way to track and achieve milestones. This also helps in effective adoption of the new system with limited set of functions exposed to users over time, rather than providing all functions to the users en mass (a big bang approach).


This helps users to appreciate the application, steadily over time. It creates a “WOW” rather than a “HOW?” among users.

GeekSoft LLC’s Implementation Approach with optimal blend of best industry practices, productivity tools and product capability. GeekSoft LLC’s Overall solution is based on the following solution guiding principles

The pillars driving our technical approach:
  • Architect Big – Implement Small: Keep the future in Mind
  • Leverage Out of the box functionality: Don’t build what’s already available
  • Leverage Tools & Accelerators: Automate repetitive tasks to avoid manual error
  • Apply Best Practices: Learn from others mistakes and also brilliance

Our Service Delivery Model

Use of Technology We use proprietary technology to test the valuation and existence of the portfolios, to the extent applicable, and to test capital transactions. We also use proprietary technology to document our work and to promote immediate communication and coordination among all engagement team members.

Keeping You Current Keeping up with the pace of change in industry and technology has become increasingly difficult. Your engagement team will be the primary channel for providing you with insights on current developments and trends. Our goal is to provide you with continuous and ongoing communication.

Service Delivery Model Effective communication is the key to a mutually beneficial relationship. Our service delivery places a great deal of emphasis on understanding your operations, systems and risks. While you may share many operating characteristics with other clients, we view each relationship as a unique entity and structure our planning procedures accordingly. In tailoring our procedures to your operations we link our significant levels of experience in the industry, with the unique aspects of your organization.

Proposed High Level Project Plan

The below diagram shows release plans and anticipated dates of the key releases.

Proposed High Level Project Plan