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We are seeking career-oriented individuals that are searching for rapid growth potential in Information Technology industry.

GeekSoft has Certified instructors on staff to assist with tool specific and technical training needs. Our instructors are first and foremost senior consultants who have extensive experience in related areas. Our training sessions are held at our training facilities located in Iselin, New Jersey In conjunction with GeekSoft Systems Inc.'s proven curriculum, the Business Process Series addresses a wide range of individual learning styles and subject-matter needs. Focusing firmly on key business processes, the courses help learners to develop a clear understanding of their tasks and how their work fits into the big picture.

To provide flexible & targeted training, the courses in the series are built to support a blended learning approach - where it is possible to build a learning path through the traditionally instructor-led class-room training

We currently offer training in the following technologies:

  • Web Technologies ( Java & .Net) 4 - 6 Weeks
  • QA ( Mercury Suite and Load Runner) 4-6 Weeks
  • Business Intelligence 4-6 weeks
  • ETL Testing 4-6 weeks
  • Sql Server DBA 4 weeks
  • Apps DBA 4 weeks
  • SAN/LAN Admin 4-6 Weeks
  • BA 4 weeks